There is no cure for HD , but some of the medications can be used to decrease the symp…
It is an inherited disorder that results in death of brain cells. The earliest sympt…
Steps of cholesterol enterance into the cells: 1-Binding between the LDL receptors…
Males can pass mitochondrial DNA!!! Mitochondria have there own genome separated fro…
Every 28 days some blood and other products of the disintegration of the inner linning…
Steps of reproductive cloning: 1-Remove a mature somatic cell from an animal that yo…
In 2005 , the united united adopted an announcement to prohibit all types of human cl…
Gene cloning is a very different process from therapeutic and reproductive cloning . …
Advantages : 1-Treatment of any disease in any body organ by replacing the damaged a…
Therapeutic cloning is entirely different and doesn't involve the creation of a pe…
A- Natural cloning: Do clons occur naturally ? 1-In some plants and single celled ba…
Cloning is a process by which exact ,identical copy of the origin can be made. Clo…
MRI 1-Stands for magnetic resonance imaging. 2-Don't involve x-ray. 3-Use stron…
1- The patient is positioned within MRI scanner that form a strong magnetic field arou…
What is MRI ? MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging It is a medical imaging …
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