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HD medications

There is no cure for HD , but some of the medications can be used to decrease the symptomes including:

1-Tetrabenazine: Minimize invoulentry movements caused by the disease.
This drug can cause depression and psychiatric condition in addition to causing drawsiness ,nausea and restlessness.

2-Antipsychotic drugs: Used to control invoulentry movements , the outbursts , agitation and other psychiatric symptoms.
It increase muscles rigidity.

3-Amantadine: Used to supress movements.
This drug make coginitive symptoms worse and  cause leg swelling and skin discoloration.

4-Levetriacetam: Control invoulentry movements but cause nausea and mood swings.

5-Medical marijuana: It doesn't carry any other drug side effects , yet it may help to reduce tension , anxiety , nausea , restlessness or insomnia , it also tend to stimulate the appetite as HD patients always have loss of appetite and weight loss as the disease progress.
Medical cannabis is also known as "pain reliver"
Scientists believed that HD may be strongly related to the body's endocannabinoid system which respond to cannabinoids in marijuana.
It can be effective not only in treating the symptomes but also it can counteract the side effects of the other medications taken for the disease.
For this reason some patients use marijuana even if they take other prescription drugs.

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